My invention

No left item bag

(Original problem & idea/solution)

We often forget items when we go out somewhere. The degree of forgetting varies from small to fatal. Is our attention an only way to prevent forgetting?

My invention named "no left item bag" makes no forgetting. Phones or tablets help the bag and us.

  • This bag senses the weight of your luggage.
  • Imagine the functionality is the picture above the right picture(Product recognition feature at UNIQLO cash register)
  • The bag remember the weight of the luggage.
  • Send that weight information to an electronic device
  • When you put your luggage in the bag, a list of what you put in the device appears as shown in the picture on the right.
  • The weight information but not the baggage in the bag is shown on device at the same time.


I plan on the assumption that I will forget something. You will make this bag remember the weight of my luggage. You put your luggage in the bag when you leave. The bag will show both the luggage inside and the forgotten luggage.




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